Select Key Metrics on Colorectal Cancer

Percentage of adults completing CRC screening (colonoscopy, CT colonography, sigmoidoscopy, stool test) in comparison to the total population.

Number of deaths attributable to CRC per 100,000 people per year.
CRC Mortality Rates
Despite similar rates of CRC incidence in non-Hispanic Black and white Philadelphians, mortality rates are higher in Black patients with CRC.
Source: The State of Cancer in Philadelphia, Drexel Urban Health Collaborative | September 2020
CRC Screening Rates
Regardless of individual socioeconomic status, living in neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status in Philadelphia -- which are composed predominantly of non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic residents -- is associated with lower rates of CRC screening.
This may help explain why cancer deaths from common cancers like CRC are more frequent in lower income neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 500 Cities: Census Tract-level Data, 2019 release.
Ongoing Efforts in the Philadelphia Community
Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a randomized clinical trial aiming to boost rates of CRC screening at a community health center that predominantly serves Black Philadelphians. By making it the default to mail at-home test kits to patients overdue for screening unless they opted out via text message, screening rates increased by more than 1,000 percent.
Efforts listed here may be independent of Accelerate Health Equity. Check back to learn about a broader list of health equity efforts.